Your local voice

Postal Address: PO Box 3701 Weston Creek ACT 2611

Phone: 6288 8975

Fax: 6288 9179

E-mail info@wccc.com.au

Website: www.wccc.com.au


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

23rd May 2001

(Minutes of the monthly meeting follow below)


Jeff Carl welcomed members of the committee and residents. Mr Carl indicated that the first part would be the AGM and a regular monthly meeting for May would follow. As a quorum, as per the Constitution was in attendance at the prescribed time, Mr. Carl declared the AGM open.



Greg Cornwell MLA, David Clinch, Tanya Mark


Minutes of the 2000 AGM

The minutes of the 2000 AGM were distributed. After an interval the Chair asked for a motion to accept the 2000 AGM minutes. Accepted Richard Miller seconded Bob Sutherland.


Chairman’s 2001 report

I've had a baptism of fire this year. The Executive Committee has been kept extraordinarily busy dealing with a wide range of issues. I would like to thank the Secretary, Alan Henderson, and the deputy Chair, Bob Sutherland, for their able assistance and guidance. I would also like to thank Bob for continuing to write regular columns on local matters for the Valley View and Southside Chronicle newspapers. Their selfless support has made the execution of my duties a lot easier.

Three issues have consumed a majority of the Council's resources over the past year; these being Defence Housing, Urban Infill, and Forestry operations on Narrabundah Hill behind Duffy. Unfortunately, none of these issues has been fully resolved.

Regarding Defence Housing, the Council made a lengthy submission to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works and officials from the Council gave evidence before this Committee at a public hearing held at Parliament House. Other submissions were sent to PALM and the Applications Secretariat commenting on various aspects of the development proposals. The development was an agenda item for many of our regular monthly meetings, and the Minister for Urban Services, Mr. Brendan Smyth discussed this development at our June 2000 meeting.

The biggest meeting of the year was our November meeting, where over 90 people attended to hear our guest speaker, Mr. Simon Corbell MLA, discuss urban infill and the Government land audit. The Chief Minister, Mr. Gary Humphries, and the Minister for Urban Services, Mr. Brendan Smyth also attended this meeting. Urban infill will continue to be an important issue in the coming years as development proposals are projected for north Holder/north Duffy.

Forestry operations on Narrabundah Hill have caused much community interest from last August, and were the focus of our October meeting when representatives from ACT Forests spoke on the projected logging and replanting operations. Part of the replanting operation involves very low-level aerial spraying of herbicides from a helicopter. Since our October meeting a group of concerned local residents have organised themselves to protest against the aerial spraying. Officials from the Council addressed a meeting of this group last February, and a representative from the group spoke about their concerns at our March meeting.

Other well-attended meetings were our June meeting on planning issues when the Minister for Urban Services, Mr. Brendan Smyth, was our guest speaker; our February meeting that discussed community safety with the ACT Fire Brigade and the Australian Federal Police; and our March meeting that discussed the new residential development code (ACTCode 2) and the new tree preservation policies.

The Council also welcomes the relaunch of Neighbourhood Watch in Weston Creek.

Other issues attended to by the Council are as follows (in no order of priority):

The past year has also seen the launch of a number of new initiatives by the Council. The most important of these was the Taking-it-to-the-Streets program wherein Executive Committee members visited each of Weston Creek's shopping centres on different Saturday mornings and talked to local residents. The banners that are displayed inside and outside this room were obtained to support this program. The Executive was able to speak to people who could not attend our regular meetings. Also we increased our public profile around the community since many hundreds of residents saw our banners. This successful program was Bob's idea and I would like to thank him for his initiative.

Another new initiative was the creation of a regular electronic newsletter. The newsletter has been very well received and we have broadened our coverage of Weston Creek residents to include some of those who don't receive our flyers or the local newspapers. This initiative partially addresses publication concerns raised by some local residents and is proving to be a lot cheaper to prepare and distribute than our flyers. I would like to thank Alan for his efforts in getting this initiative up and running.

Our Internet Service Provider (Dynamite) ceases business at the end of this month and I thank them for their assistance over the past few years. The Executive has reviewed our electronic needs and the Council is now the legal owner of the domain name "www.wccc.com.au". This will be our new Internet address. Our new Internet Service Provider (Netspeed) has advised the Community Council that we will have the first webpages on the TransACT server.

On behalf of the Community Council, I would like to extend special thanks to the management and staff of Royals Rugby Club who have gone out of their way as usual to accommodate our widely different meetings.

Lastly, I would like to thank our Public Officer, Gary Caitcheon and other Council members who assisted the Executive Committee throughout the year.

The coming year includes the Tenth Anniversary of the formation of the Weston Creek Community Council. This is an important milestone for the Council and the Weston Creek community.

Motion to Accept Report: moved Jeff Carl

Seconded: Jack White


Secretary’s Report

Last year I reported that the 99/00 year has been one of the busiest non-election years for the WCCC - this year the pace has continued. The recognition of the WCCC in London Circuit has improved our access to politicians and their advisers when needed.

The WCCC is well considered in the ACT Assembly and in ACT government departments and agencies and is being called on for an ever-increasing range of consultation processes.

Our membership number has increased to 79. If you would like to register as a member - forms are available; there is no cost. The WCCC membership form is now on the website.

Also the attendance book is in circulation. This has become a valuable tool to record email addresses and therefore quickly and cheaply disseminate information to residents.

We have undertaken two letterbox flyers this year the first in October, for the logging on the pine trees and again in March for ACTCode 2.

The initiative called 'taking it to the streets' worked well and we purchased 2 banners to assist. These banners are being well used.

All forms for the continuing registration of the WCCC as an Association have been lodged and no returns to the Registrar of Associations are outstanding. We are also in keeping with our Grant Agreement with the CMD.

The WCCC has had advertising magnets re-produced and these are widely circulated.

There has been increasing demand on the members of the Committee to attend an increasing number of meetings to represent Weston Creek.

The number of submissions made by the WCCC increased but also the level of complexity has increased significantly.

Two major issues, from an administration aspect, have been the bank account and the website. The bank account is covered in the Treasurer's Report.

As regards the website many will know that Dynamite is off-line on 31 May and AUSTARMETRO takes over, at higher access costs. It was decided to take decisive action to remedy our situation and simplify out website address. The WCCC has bought the domain name wccc.com.au and moved its ISP from Dynamite to Netspeed. In the event of any further problems with ISP's we can move our domain name for web hosting and email elsewhere with minimal disruption.

I would like to ask that the meeting agree to the continued approach of the WCCC in focusing on the improvement of communication between residents and the government agencies as well as politicians. In addition I would like to thank Jeff and Bob for the huge assistance throughout the year. I would also acknowledge the volunteers I call on from time to time to walk the streets of the their suburb to deliver flyers to our members.

Copies of the Minutes for each meeting in the last year are here if anyone wishes to look at them.

Motion to Accept Report: moved Alan Henderson

Seconded: Bob Sutherland


Treasurer’s Report

The WCCC started the current financial year with $15.00 and received our grant of $3,000 in September 2000. Between 1 July and the receipt of the cheque in 19 September costs were covered from volunteers.


Major costs early in the year were our Dynamite email subscription and an advert for the WCCC on the Royals calendar. A flyer to all Weston Creek letterboxes was delivered in October 2000 for that month's meeting on logging of the pine forests. These cost approximately $1,980

Under the revised purchaser/provider agreement with the Chief Minister's Department we needed to buy insurance, before 31 Dec 2000, for the committee members and this cost us $50.

We continue to cover the costs of a PO Box, a phone and fax line, and I would ask this meeting’s endorsement to continue to meet these ongoing costs in 2001-2002. A new consignment of magnets was purchased during the year. We also purchased 2 banners for the WCCC.

In March St George (who took over Advance Bank - our original bank) imposed fees for more than 2 over-the-counter transactions per month and lifted the monthly fee to $6.50 for low balances. As the WCCC has low balances for 6 out of 12 months and needs 2 signatures on withdrawals we needed to change banks. CPS Credit Union offered us the best deal. Our accounts were changed to a business account with CPS. This was endorsed at the regular monthly meeting on 28 March 2001.

We were adversely impacted by the imminent closure of Dynamite and costs for our Internet presence has increased. Two volunteers have loaned the WCCC funds until the next financial year's funds become available, to overcome this unexpected drain on finances.

The WCCC contributed funds to Neighborhood Watch for an advert in their next 3 newsletters

The WCCC has an ABN from the ATO; but we cannot claim GST back as we are the end user and do not charge for our services. Although our Auditor has left Weston Creek and relocated, Sue Galvin will continue until a replacement is found.

The WCCC does not charge subscriptions for members - it's free to join and you do not need to be a member to attend meetings. We are however considering accepting donations from individuals and corporate sponsors - although the tax status of these donations is debatable.

Copies of the accounts of the WCCC are available here at this meeting. I ask that the meeting agree that they endorse the continued payment of a phone line, fax line Internet access and a PO Box

Motion to Accept Report: moved Alan Henderson

Seconded: Gary Caitcheon


Election of Office Bearers

Jeff Carl and committee members stepped down and the meeting was presided over by Sergeant John Greenaway, Australian Federal Police, as the returning officer. All positions were declared open and vacant. A nomination and voting process was undertaken and the outcome was:






Jeff Carl

Bob Sutherland

Pat McGinn

Deputy Chair

Bob Sutherland

Pat McGinn

Gary Caitcheon


Alan Henderson

Jeff Carl

Jack White

Public Officer

Gary Caitcheon

Bob Sutherland

Alan Henderson

Sgt Greenaway called for nominations for the Committee, these were; Jack White Pat McGinn and Rosemary Drabsch who were duly appointed to the committee. Sgt John Greenaway declared the positions filled.


Mr Carl declared the AGM closed at 8.20pm






May Monthly Meeting

23rd May 2001


Jeff Carl opened the May monthly meeting at 8.21pm and called on Colin Stewart to address the meeting on the Holder and Rivett Shopping Centres Refurbishment


Holder and Rivett Shopping Centres Refurbishment


Mr. Carl invited Colin Stewart and Bronwen Jones from Colin Stewart Architects to address the meeting. Colin Stewart indicated that his firm was working with PALM on Fraser Shops, the small Kambah shops as well as Holder and Rivett.


Mr. Stewart advised that Rivett did have a population of 4,000 and it is now down to less than 3,000. In addition the numbers per household has declined. The aim of the work is to provide information to PALM from the community on issues and concerns. In addition PALM wanted information on short and long-term options for neighbourhoods and to ensure that housing was integrated with the shopping centres.


The meeting discussed the apparent overlap with a similar project in the same two suburbs by the University of Canberra. In addition the UoC had already held workshops in Holder and Duffy - one had 5 residents and the other 6 residents. Mr Stewart indicated that his project was also about to have another set of workshops with residents. There were some attendees who considered this was gross over kill and that the 2 projects should work through the Council rather than try to facilitate, what appears very poorly attended meetings. It gave an appearance, one resident commented, that the contractors to PALM were going through the motions to show they had meeting to consult but they were not gaining a true or valid perspective of opinions.


Mr Stewart indicated that he believed that the UoC project had a different approach and was looking for a different outcome. He also indicated that he was not aware why Holder and Rivett were selected in Weston Creek. A resident pointed out to Mr Stewart that the commonality was that both had closed service stations.


Residents indicated that the WCCC had been a member of the Rivett Traders Group, which worked with HELPShop to upgrade the public open space around the shops but that this had not led to building owners actively attracting new tenants. The WCCC indicated that representations were made to the Dept of Urban Services that the funds to be spent on Rivett in 1999 could have been put to better use in Weston Creek. DUS did however continue with HELPShop and no new tenants have appeared.


Ms Jones provided the meeting with maps indicating the boundary of their study surrounding the respective shopping centres. The first reaction from residents was that the biggest issue in Rivett, the leased ex-Parks & Gardens Depot was excluded. A number of residents voiced their concerns that the lessee of the site should be brought to account for the shocking condition that the site was in. It appeared that PALM was leaving the area out of the study, perhaps as DUS was responsible for the site, and was not holding the lessee to account. The meeting advised Mr Stewart that PALM should include the depot in the Rivett shops study area and get DUS to manage their lessee.


Mr Stewart advised that different approaches to revitalise shopping centres in Canberra were being considered and these may be able to be applied to Rivett and Holder. Mr Stewart and Ms Jones were advised that the WCCC had requested, via the HELPShop program, that mixed residential/business be allowed; so as to revitalise these centres. The concept was that owners could live above their stores in a village type approach. It is understood that DUS and PALM rejected these ideas in 1999.


Mr Stewart focussed on a discussion that he had had with the Principal of the Rivett Primary School adjacent to the shops. The idea proposed was that Rivett could operate an after school care to boost numbers and attract parents to the suburb and the school. One resident in particular indicated to Mr Stewart that he had not done his homework in Weston Creek. There were already 2 schools running after school care in Weston Creek and that these had either full enrolments and or very close to full. The need for third after school care facility may not be economically sound. In addition the use of ACT Government building for a commercial after school care facility would need investigation and given the low base of 110 children it may be difficult to attract an interested child-care licensee.


A final issue at Rivett was the roadway, it was suggested that this be re-designed as a through road and shops be permitted on both sides of the road to induce and village style ‘high street’. This idea could also focus on the need for quality medium density housing for empty-nesters who were looking to stay in the district but alternate housing types were in very short supply. A mix of shops and dwellings on both sides of the road was an option.


The main issue of Holder focussed on the petrol station. The empty shop has opened as a cafe and the closed supermarket has re-opened. The presence of a doctor and chemist appears to be one of the vital ingredients for the prosperity of the shops. There were several suggestions regarding the use of the petrol station site, ranging from a park (to replace the green space taken from residents over the last several years) to a residential development to increase patronage at the shops. A number of residents questioned whether more housing would indeed add much to the shopping centres viability. It appeared unanimous from the comments that no one believed that a service station could re-open on the site and be viable.


Mr Carl, in bringing Mr Stewart to a close, indicated that the WCCC was agreeable to help where possible in this project on the shopping centres. On behalf of the attendees Mr Carl thanked Mr Stewart and Ms Jones.


Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)

Mr Carl called on the Duffy Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, Mr Jack White, to advise the meeting how the extension of NHW into Weston and Holder was progressing. Mr White advised the meeting that there were enough letterbox deliverers in both suburbs and zone coordinating meetings were occurring and implementation was on track. Mr Carl indicated that the WCCC would help NHW as needed. Mr White advised that Waramanga, Fisher and Stirling needed attention and early signs were that a small newsletter could be started in those suburbs; although recent news was that a possible commercial sponsor had withdrawn.


Australian Federal Police Update

Sgt John Greenaway advised the meeting that the AFP were concerned regarding the under reporting of crime in Weston Creek. In a recent incident police apprehended a youth stealing a car badge. When a search was carried out other car badges were found. The owners had not reported the losses. Intelligence is needed to establish patterns to apprehend; information from local residents in vital to the police.


Any Other Business

Mr Carl reminded attendees that the WCCC had changed its website to www.wccc.com.au and its e-mail address to info@wccc.com.au

If any attendees had changed their ISP could they please advise the WCCC





Meeting closed 9.30pm

Next Meeting:

Wednesday 27th June 2001